The 3 Key Concepts of Reality Shifting

Your Free Will: Your Reality

In this training video, you'll learn about the 3 key concepts of reality shifting:

  • The true power of your free will;
  • The subjective nature of reality; and
  • Universal Laws that are operating upon your free will.


Awakening to the connection between your thoughts and feelings and the circumstances of your life is just the first step in taking back your power as a conscious co-creator.

Understanding that your free will is your ticket to liberation (emotional freedom, creative freedom, and true self-expression) is paramount. Your choices (both conscious and unconscious) always count. The problem is that, most likely, you're just now figuring out that you were never taught the rules of the game of Life. And you weren't in the best position possible to exercise your free will wisely and in ways that support your happiness and well-being. Awareness of anything changes you and it changes the thing.

Becoming more aware of the true power of your free will is the first step to authentic self-expression and personal freedom.

Subjective Reality

Reality is subjective. The way you experience anything in life is unique because everything you experience is filtered through your personal consciousness. All the experiences you have had in this lifetime (all your thoughts, your feelings, and all the information you've gathered through your 6 senses) make your interpretation of Life experiences personal and distinct.

You are the only person who can experience being you. No one else on this planet can have any experience exactly the same way you have an experience.

Although you may experience shared realities, like being at Thanksgiving dinner with your family or at a baseball game, the ultimate experience of what happened from your point of view is unique to you. Understanding that reality is subjective will help you understand what previously confused you; and it will help you start taking responsibility for how you experience anything in Life. Your reality belongs to you. And by virtue of the privilege and responsibility of your free will, you can shift your reality in ways that are more rewarding and meaningful to you.

Universal Laws

Life is constantly responding to what you hold within you and what you are choosing, consciously or unconsciously. The way in which Life responds to you is governed by certain natural laws, what we often call universal laws. Understanding the 3 primary universal laws will help you focus your free will choice making in a way that is empowering and more peacefully productive. The 3 primary universal laws are:

  • The Law of Attraction;
  • The Law of Cause & Effect; and
  • The Law of Once's Being.

Once you understand how these 3 primary universal laws operate, you can use that awareness as guidance that will help demystify your life experiences. You won't have to feel like Life is happening TO you anymore because you'll be more aware of how Life is happening through you. That awareness is a gateway to authentic empowerment!

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